What’s This Church About?
Our primary mission, under Christ’s command, is to see disciples of Jesus made and matured through our faithful ministry (Matthew 28:18-20).
How do we carry out this mission of making and maturing disciples at Christ Presbyterian Church (PCA)?
Sunday School & Worship — Each Lord’s Day, our congregation gathers to learn about the Bible and to worship Christ, our King. In this worship, we are progressively made into faithful citizens of God’s burgeoning Kingdom. As we are matured in the faith, we become more active in bringing the good news of Christ’s victory over sin and authority over the heavens and the earth to all people. In addition to informal, daily evangelism, this happens through various ministry opportunities.
On-Site Ministries —Our elders (collectively, “the session”) are constantly about the work of soul care among the congregation. The deacons are leading the congregation in acts of service and mercy. Our several church committees help to funnel the energies of the congregation into various ministry opportunities. We facilitate mission trips to West Virginia, vacation Bible school, youth group, missions conferences, training seminars, and hospitality opportunities etc.
Off-Site Ministries & Domestic Ministry Partners —Our congregants are active in various ministries outside of the church walls through The Good News Club, small groups, Teen Time, volunteering at a nursing home etc.
Foreign Ministry Partners —Our congregation supports many foreign ministry partners who are building the church all around the world. We have regular opportunities to hear from these ministry partners throughout the year.
We at Christ Presbyterian Church have a few basic distinctives:
We are theologically Reformed. This theology emphasizes that the only way for men and women to be in right relationship with God is through His grace, displayed in the person and work of Christ, embraced by faith, communicated in the Bible and all done for the glory of God. This theology is laid out in greater detail in the Westminster Confession of Faith.
We are Evangelical in our commitment to proclaim the gospel of Christ to the whole world. Our central emphasis is the person and work of the crucified and risen savior, Jesus Christ.
We are Presbyterian in our church structure. This means that our church follows the biblical model of elder-led church governance, where local churches are governed by a plurality of church elders (see 1 Tim. 3). Because we recognize a necessary connection between local churches, we also have higher courts within the church called presbyteries and the general assembly.
Christ Presbyterian Church began as a mission church of the Enon Valley Bible Presbyterian Church (Reformed Presbyterian Church Evangelical Synod) in 1967. Enon Valley Church believed that there was a need for an RPCES body in the Chippewa Area. Chippewa was a growing suburb of Beaver Falls and a number of families were driving from Chippewa and South Beaver Township to worship at the Enon Valley Church.
Four elders were chosen to go to Chippewa and plant a church there. They were Dr. Nelson Kennedy, Paul Moore, Ray Smith, and Roy Veon. Worship began in the old Chippewa Fire Hall and was later moved to the Chippewa Grange. In 1969, six and a half acres were purchased in South Beaver Township on Blackhawk Road and a brick structure was erected.
Since 1967, Christ Church has only had four pastors. Pastor Conrad Sauer served until 1969 as the original planting pastor; in 1970 the congregation called Richard Rowe to serve as their second pastor. He served for thirteen years. From 1984 to 2019 Larry R. Elenbaum faithfully served as the church’s third pastor. In 2020 the congregation called Scott Moreland to serve as Christ Presbyterian Church’s fourth pastor (see “pastor’s profile” on our officers page).