2024 Events
Upcoming events.
Upcoming Events:
5/4: Fellowship Meal after the morning service, all are invited.
5/10: Men’s Breakfast 8:00 Am @ church.
5/18: Last day of Sunday school. Summer session begins.
6/22-28: WV Mission’s Trip: If you are interested in going, or finding out cost please contact Rob Preistley: priestley.robert@gmail.com
4/6: Fellowship Meal after the morning service, all are invited.
4/12 : Men’s Book Study, 8:00 AM. @ church.
4/18: Good Friday Joint Service with Fairview, Church.
4/20: Easter Sunday! Join us for breakfast at 9:15 am.
4/25: Old Time Jam Session: 6:30- 8:30 pm. @ Church.
4/26: Women’s Bible Study 8:00 AM.